for a start

[fɔː(r) ə stɑːt]
  • 释义
  • 首先;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    For a start, he is right to argue against making a fetish of invention.

    在一开始, 他反对迷信单纯的发明这个观点是正确的.

  • 2、

    B : To be on the safe side, not less than $ 200,000 for a start.

    保守地说, 一开始不会少于二十万美元.

  • 3、

    Angus : Well, they've increased the standard for roof insulation for a start.

    安格斯: 嗯, 首先是提高屋顶的保温标准.

  • 4、

    For a start , Mr Verma says the local police will be quadrupled.


  • 5、

    You must get her name and address, and that can be a problem for a start.


  • 6、

    Terrorism , for a start.


  • 7、

    I recommend a good bowl of chicken soup for a start!


  • 8、

    I was late getting off work for a start, and then I missed the bus.

    一开始我就迟下班, 然后又错过了公共汽车.

  • 9、

    For a start, you can stop stuffing your revolting opinions down people's throats.

    首先, 你不要再将你那些令人反感的见解强加给人民了.

  • 10、

    For a start, one must be careful about whom one compares oneself to.

    首先, 你必须谨慎选择拿谁与自己比较.

  • 11、

    For a start, the industry is growing less rapidly than before.

    首先, 外包工业发展较过往有所减缓.

  • 12、

    A win would be a good result for a start.


  • 13、

    For a start, let's agree where we should meet.


  • 14、

    I'm not buying it I can't afford it for a start.

    我不买 -- 起码这个价钱我就付不起.

  • 15、

    For a start, governments should stop subsidising it.

    首先, 政府应该停止对其进行补助.

  • 16、

    For a start, worries about obesity have spawned more interest in healthy eatingin America.


  • 17、

    For a start, it would be very expensive.

    首先, 它非常贵.

  • 18、

    How about 50,000 pair for a start?

    一开始50,000双 怎么样 ?

  • 19、

    For a start, men's brains are about 9 % larger than those of women.


  • 20、

    For a start, these policies are not necessarily compatible.

    首先, 这些政策不一定都是合适的.

  • 21、

    For a start, what is so bad about default and restructuring?

    首先, 为什么延期和重组有这么糟糕?

  • 22、

    For a start, France is rather better placed than Britain was in the 1970 s.

    首先, 法国处境要比英国1970年代时要好一些.

  • 23、

    For a start, we should go to Tian'anmen Square.

    首先, 我们应该去天安门广场.

  • 24、

    He added, acidly: " They don't worry about debt, for a start. "

    随后,他酸溜溜地又补充了一句, “ 他们不必担心任何债务问题. ”

  • 25、

    For a start, rising instability of incomes is not necessarily a bad thing.

    首先, 不断上升的收入不稳定未不见得一定就是坏事情.

  • 26、

    For a start, he is too young.

    首先, 他还太年轻.

  • 27、

    It comes as a surprise to be reminded that he is 70. For a start, he doesn't look it.


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